Update and Feature for A Pokémon Is Nearby! New Release

Update and Feature for A Pokémon Is Nearby! New Release

The Pokémon GO Plus is a small device that lets you enjoy Pokémon GO while you're on the move and not looking at your smartphone. The device connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth low energy and notifies you about events in the game—such as the appearance of a Pokémon nearby—using an LED and vibration. 

PokéStop Alerts

The Pokémon GO Plus will begin to blink and vibrate whenever you're within range of a PokéStop. Press the Pokémon GO Plus button to search the PokéStop for items. If you find any items, swipe or tap them to add them to your inventory.

A Pokémon Is Nearby!

When a Pokémon is near, the light on the Pokémon GO Plus will flash. It will also flash and vibrate when you pass a PokéStop.
Once a Pokémon is close, press the button on the Pokémon GO Plus to throw a Poké Ball. You'll only be able to throw a Poké Ball using Pokémon GO Plus if you've caught the Pokémon before. The Pokémon GO Plus will flash and vibrate to let you know if you were successful in catching the Pokémon.

Watch for free update Pokemon Go plus This Source Link

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