Xposed Pokemon 1.7 FOR FREE DOWNLOAD

Xposed Pokemon 1.7 FOR FREE DOWNLOAD

Xposed Pokemon module allows you to catch all the pokemons without going anywhere. The module allows you to fake location and allows you to go anywhere you want. The module provides navigation keys to navigate to any place.
Xposed Framework
Xposed Pokemon Module
How To
■ Enable Xposed Pokemon Module in Xposed Framework
■ Restart Device
■ Open the Xposed Pokemon application
■ set the start location in the map by touching the map. A marker will be shown in the map
■ Click "Start" in the list.
■ A small window with arrows will appear.
■ Open the Pokemon game and wait for it to load
■ The user will start at the selected location which we selected in the map
■ Using the arrow keys, you can move to that direction
Try it out and catch 'em all !!!
■ Why cant I see the popup window when clicking start button?
Go to app security-premissions-premissions-xposed Pokemon and tap display pop up window
■ Why is the character moving in wrong direction?
the joystick works in north,east,south west directions irrespective of the character in the game. so you have to first align the character to face north by using the compass shown in the game.
Bookmark feature added
When you are on the place, Click the bookmark icon in the joystick and give it a name and it will be saved.
Open xposed pokemon app and click favorites. Click on the favorite to set it as the current location
Long press the bookmark to delete it.
Added compass based joystick feature (experimental). This feature works on phones with sensors only. Enable the compass view in pokemon go.
(click the compass icon in the game and make sure you are on the option where the character turns when the device is turned)
Then tick the compass checkbox in the application.
Then move the joystick to front and the character will move to the direction it is facing.
You can turn it off also.
Tried to fix the closing issue. Need testing.
Removed Pokemon Map feature as there are other websites available for that.
Pokemon Map feature Added.
Create a fake pokemon trainer account and verify it with email. Open xposed module and click on fake login. enter your fake account details and click OK. then click on the map to set the start location. If everything is ok, the map will show pokemon locations.
If the servers are down it will show error message.
This is a one time setup. so after setting up the above details, the map will start loading pokemons when the user sets the start position in map.
Minimize the window by using the Switch in the joystick.
For Huawei users, if your joystick is automatically closing, open Phone Manager application.take Power saving and click on Protected apps. inside that, switch on the Xposed Pokemon module.
Search feature- Now you can search with full address and map will zoom to that location. then you can click to set it as start location.
Joystick close/disappear issue fix - need testers
Walk Feature added
Click the walk checkbox
Move the joystick to the direction you want the character to move and the character will start moving to that direction
To stop walking, uncheck the walk checkbox
Joystick View added
Enable/Disable module checkbox added
Sprint speed added

For further download please visit This Source Link 
Happy PLAYING!!!

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